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Stöhring, Mitch

Stöhring, Mitch


Nimmt an der Juni-Auktion 2023 teil

Mitch Stöhring is a german photographer who is living and working in Berlin. Whilst getting her Bachelor’s degree in photography in 2020, she developed her unique sense of people and now captures feelings more than looks. During her studies, she worked as a photo assistant for Kristian Schuller where she not only got used to working on big productions but also manifested her skill set in professional photo retouching.

Her body of personal and artistic work consists of several projects about questions of beauty standards, gender equality and societal norms not rarely shown through self portraiture.

Commercially, her field of works ranges from official portraits of actors & actresses, musicians and bands as well as artistic album artworks and fashion campaigns. Some of her recent clients are Yaenniver, Antje Schomaker, Fewjar, Conic Rose and More Joy by Christopher Kane.

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