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Berghorn, Johanna

Berghorn, Johanna


Nimmt an der Juni-Auktion 2023 teil

Johanna Berghorn is a young photographer based in Berlin, where she accomplished her bachelor's degree in photography in 2019.
While working as a photographer and artist, she also studies psychology in order to deepen the psychological skills of her photographic work and to use it for her artistic approach.
Her work ranges from fine-art and documentary, to political activism and multi-media artworks, that revolve around contemporary topics and culturally charged narratives, while always remaining closely linked to her visual perception. In her personal work, she has expanded her focus on depictions of people of all ages, genders, colors or sizes and how they internalize the external pressure of social roles.

Her work as a photographer is published in major publications such as The Independent Photographer, Photo Vogue and Portrait Of Humanity, published by the British Journal of Photography and Magnum.

"One of my fascinations with human nature is how we, as people, process our experiences; internalizing them and then reflect them back out to the world, often symbolically and unintentionally. I'm interested in what transpires during the internalization phase, our subjectivity towards self perceptions and what we fixate on."

Group Exhibitions
JUST WOMEN | Fondazione Luciana Matalon, Milano | 23.-29.10.2022
THE UNSEEN Rankin Creative Exhibition | Quantus Gallery, Shoreditch, London | 16.-24.06.2022
"A New Beginning" International Photography Festival Bologna, Italy | PhMuseumdays | 23.-26.09.2021
RECLAIM AWARD | Public Space Art Installation | Cologne, Germany 21.-30.08.2021
Bipolar Vol. 1 - | Grüntalerstr. 16, 13359 Berlin 06/02-15/02/2020
"how do you feel" - About growing up female | Multimedia Ausstellung & Publikation Fotobuch | Bachelorausstellung Dessauerstr. 3-5 Berlin 12.07.2019
EMOP Berlin (European Month Of Photography) "DID WE GET LOST" A Photographic Investigation in Asia | Ausstellung Dessauerstr. 3-5, Berlin | 05.-28.02.2018

Solo Exhibitions
25 Muses | Torstr. 101, Berlin | 11/2021
5 Miles to Banjul | Damenstr. 8, 79183 Waldkirch 03/2020
5 Miles to Banjul | Mathildenstr. 26-28, 79106 Freiburg 01/03-31/05/2020
5 Miles to Banjul | Rocafé Emmendingen 05/01/2020
8000 - 7 - 2 | Tirree, Birkenstraße 46, 10551 Berlin 12/12/2019 - 13/01/2020

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